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Irish radio
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Webradio network |
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> 8Radio.com | Irland | Various music | Webradio | http://8radio.com/ | |  
| > All Irish Radio | Irland | Pop, variety | Webradio | http://www.allirishradio.net/ | | 
| > Beat 102-103 | Irland | Pop, variety | Regional | http://www.beat102103.com/ | |  
| > Birdhill Radio | Irland | Traditional, folk | Webradio | http://birdhillradio.com/ | |   
| > C 103 | Irland | Various music | Cork | http://www.c103.ie | |  
| > Clare FM | Irland | General | Regional | http://clare.fm/ | |   
| > Classics hits 4FM | Irland | Pop, variety | National | http://classichits.ie/ | |  
| > Cork's 96 FM | Irland | Pop, variety | National | http://www.96fm.ie | |  
| > Dublin City FM | Irland | General | Dublin | http://www.dublincityfm.ie/ | | 
| > Dublin South FM | Irland | General | Dublin | http://dublinsouthfm.ie | |  
| > Dublin's Q102 | Irland | Pop, variety | National | http://www.q102.ie | |   
| > Dundalk FM | Irland | General | Dundalk | http://www.dundalkfm.com | |  
| > East coast FM | Irland | General | Wicklow | http://www.eastcoast.fm | |   
| > FM 104 Dublin | Irland | Pop, variety | National | http://www.fm104.ie | |  
| > Galway Bay FM | Irland | General | Galway | http://galwaybayfm.ie/ | |  
| > Gem Radio | Irland | Rock | Webradio | http://gemradio.webs.com/ | Webradios (2) | 
| > Heart Beat FM | Irland | Song | Webradio | http://heartbeatfm.net/ | |   
| > Highland Radio | Irland | Traditional, folk | Regional | http://www.highlandradio.com | | 
| > iRadio Midlands & Northeast | Irland | Pop, variety | Regional | http://www.iradio.ie/ | | 
| > iRadio North & North-West | Irland | Rock | Regional | http://www.iradio.ie/ | |  
| > Irish Pub radio | Irland | Traditional, folk | Webradio | http://www.irishpubradio.com | | 
| > K Fm | Irland | General | Regional | http://www.kfmradio.com/ | |   
| > Life FM | Irland | Others kinds | National | http://www.lifefm.ie | |  
| > Live Ireland Radio 1 | Irland | Traditional, folk | National | http://liveireland.com/ | |   
| > LMFM | Irland | General | Regional | http://www.lmfm.ie | |   
| > Midlands 103 | Irland | General | Regional | http://www.midlands103.com/ | |   
| > Midwest Irish Radio | Irland | Traditional, folk | National | https://www.midwestradio.ie/ | |
| > Midwest radio | Irland | General | West Ireland | http://www.midwestradio.ie/ | | 
| > Near FM 90.3 | Irland | Culture and information | Dublin | http://nearfm.ie/ | |  
| > Newstalk | Irland | Culture and information | National | http://www.newstalk.ie/ | |  
| > Northern Sound | Irland | General | Regional | http://www.northernsound.ie/ | |   
| > Ocean FM | Irland | General | Regional | http://oceanfm.ie/ | | 
| > Paddy Rock | Irland | Various music | Webradio | http://www.paddyrock.com | |  
| > Q 102 | Irland | Pop, variety | Regional | http://www.q102.ie | |   
| > Radio Kerry | Irland | Pop, variety | National | http://www.radiokerry.ie/ | |  
| > Radio Nova | Irland | Rock | National | http://www.nova.ie/ | |   
| > Radio Vera | Irland | Pop, variety | Webradio | http://www.radiovera.ie/ | | 
| > Red FM | Irland | Pop, variety | Cork | http://www.redfm.ie/ | |   
| > RTE 2XM | Irland | Rock | Webradio | http://www.rte.ie/digitalradio/2xm/ | |   
| > RTE Lyric FM | Irland | Various music | National | http://www.rte.ie/lyricfm/ | |   
| > RTE Radio 1 | Irland | Culture and information | National | http://www.rte.ie/radio1/ | |   
| > RTÉ 2fm | Irland | Pop, variety | National | https://2fm.rte.ie/ | |   
| > RTÉ Raidio Na Gaeltachta | Irland | General | National | http://www.rte.ie/rnag/ | |   
| > Shannonside | Irland | General | Regional | http://www.shannonside.ie/ | |  
| > South East Radio | Irland | General | Regional | http://www.southeastradio.ie/ | |   
| > Spin 103.8 | Irland | Electro House Dance | Regional | http://www.spin1038.com/ | | 
| > Spin South West | Irland | Pop, variety | Regional | http://www.spinsouthwest.com/ | |  
| > Spirit Radio | Irland | General | National | http://www.spiritradio.ie/ | |  
| > Storm North-East | Irland | Electro House Dance | Webradio | http://www.stormnortheast.com/ | |   
| > Sunshine 106.8 | Irland | Jazz, country, lounge | Dublin | http://www.sunshineradio.ie/ | |   
| > Tipp FM | Irland | General | Regional | http://www.tippfm.com/ | | 
| > Tipp Mid West Radio | Irland | General | Regional | http://www.tippmidwestradio.com | |  
| > Today FM | Irland | Pop, variety | National | http://www.todayfm.com/ | |  
| > TX FM | Irland | Rock | National | http://www.txfm.ie | |
| > URadio | Irland | Various music | Webradio | http://www.uradio.ie | |  
| > West Limerick 102 FM | Irland | General | Regional | http://www.westlimerick102fm.com/ | |   
| > WLR FM | Irland | General | Regional | http://www.wlrfm.com/ | |  
| > Zenith Classic Rock | Irland | Rock | Regional | http://www.zenithclassicrock.com | |    |
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