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Italian radios
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Radio |
Country |
Style |
Diffusion |
Website |
Webradio network |
Listen |
> 105 Classics | Ital. | Pop, variety | National | http://www.105classics.net/105classics/jsp/public/index.jsp | |
| > Kiss Kiss | Ital. | Pop, variety | National | http://www.kisskiss.it/ | Webradios (7) |  
| > Radio 105 | Ital. | Pop, variety | National | http://www.105.net/ | Webradios (12) |  
| > RADIO 24 | Ital. | Culture and information | National | http://www.radio24.ilsole24ore.com/ | | 
| > Radio Capital | Ital. | Pop, variety | National | https://www.capital.it/ | |  
| > Radio Classica | Ital. | Classic | National | http://www.radioclassica.fm/ | | 
| > Radio Company | Ital. | Pop, variety | National | http://www.radiocompany.com/ | |  
| > Radio Cuore | Ital. | Song | National | http://www.radiocuore.it/ | |  
| > Radio Deejay | Ital. | Hip-Hop, Rap, Urban | National | http://www.deejay.it/ | |
| > Radio inBlu | Ital. | Culture and information | National | http://www.radioinblu.it/ | | 
| > Radio Italia | Ital. | Song | National | http://www.radioitalia.it/ | |
| > Radio m2o | Ital. | Electro House Dance | National | https://www.m2o.it/ | |
| > Radio Margherita | Ital. | Song | National | http://www.radiomargherita.com/ | Webradios (2) |  
| > Radio Maria | Ital. | Others kinds | National | http://www.radiomaria.it/ | |   
| > Radio Mater | Ital. | Others kinds | National | http://www.radiomater.org | |   
| > Radio Monte Carlo | Ital. | Pop, variety | National | http://www.radiomontecarlo.net/ | Webradios (14) |   
| > Radio Popolare | Ital. | Culture and information | National | http://www.radiopopolare.it/ | |  
| > Radio R101 | Ital. | Pop, variety | National | http://www.r101.it/ | Webradios (4) |  
| > Radio Radicale | Ital. | Culture and information | National | http://www.radioradicale.it/ | | 
| > Radio Vaticana | Ital. | Others kinds | National | http://www.radiovaticana.va/ | Webradios (4) |
| > Radio Vaticano | Ital. | Others kinds | National | https://www.vaticannews.va/it.html | |
| > Rai | Ital. | General | National | http://www.rai.it/dl/portale/radio.html | Webradios (10) |
| > RAI Isoradio | Ital. | Culture and information | National | http://www.isoradio.rai.it/ | |
| > RAI Radio 5 Classica | Ital. | Classic | National | http://www.radiofd5.rai.it | Radio Rai | 
| > RAI Radio FD4 | Ital. | Jazz, country, lounge | National | http://www.radiofd4.rai.it | Radio Rai |   
| > Rai radio2 | Ital. | General | National | http://www.radio2.rai.it/ | Radio Rai | 
| > Rai radio3 | Ital. | Culture and information | National | http://www.radio3.rai.it/ | Radio Rai |  
| > Rai uno | Ital. | General | National | http://www.radio1.rai.it/ | Radio Rai |  
| > RDS | Ital. | Pop, variety | National | http://www.rds.it/?/home | |  
| > RMC 2 | Ital. | Electro House Dance | National | http://www.radiomontecarlo2.net/ | | 
| > RTL 102.5 | Ital. | Pop, variety | National | http://www.rtl.it/ | Webradios (4) | 
| > Virgin Radio | Ital. | Rock | National | http://www.virginradio.it/ | Webradios (5) |     |